Sorinne Ardeleanu

for  President of the United States of America

2020 Presidential Candidate

Our criminal justice system is in need of much updating to be truly just and positively impactful for all parties affected, including our communities and country. 

Sorinne has been involved in criminal justice reform since 2018, and is an advisory board member of It Could Happen To You, which helped pass historical legislation in New York state, holding prosecutors accountable. The nonprofit is now working with other states to follow suit. 

Prosectors are the only profession in this country that have not had accountability in the United States. 

Sorinne is interested in promoting correct convictions of the guilty, and sparing innocent lives, as there are a surprisingly high number of wrongfully convicted people in our country who have been incarcerated and many still are due to a lack of resources. She has noticed that wrongful convictions tend not to discriminate based on race or gender, but on class.

Sorinne also wants to focus on personal development and rehabilitation of inmates, so that those who commit crimes will be inclined and actually have opportunities to do better when they are released, becoming contributing members of society... instead of going back to the typically dire environments that led them to criminal activities, only to repeat what they know.

Sorinne does not believe in punishing people for poverty and victimless crimes, such as homelessness, drug use, and sex work. It is none of the government's business what people are doing, as long as they are consenting, not harming others, and not trespassing on private property.

Sorinne would request that criminal records of people who committed victimless crimes be expunged, so that they can have a chance of living normal lives, as she understands how difficult it is for someone to get on their feet when they have a criminal record. She believes that if we make it harder for people like this to support themselves, their options are limited, which could lead to them becoming burdens on society instead of making positive impacts in their communities.

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