Gun Rights

Sorinne Ardeleanu

for  President of the United States of America

2020 Presidential Candidate

Sorinne believes it is vital to uphold our constitutional right to bear arms as civilians, especially as we have a heavily armed government. The people of our country must be able to protect and defend themselves in order to keep themselves safe and government in check, if such a need arises. Some people also depend on their right to bear arms to protect themselves against civilians trying to harm them and wild animals, as well as to feed their families.

Absolute power corrupts, so there must be a balance of power and it must be fairly distributed. Earnest efforts must always be made to maintain and sustain balance, peace, and fairness for the people. 

As for addressing crimes involving guns... the issue is not with guns specifically. The issue is that we are not fully and properly addressing the inclinations that develop in some people to harm others (and even themselves). Until we begin to address the causes of harmful behaviors, we will continue to see more and more people expressing harmful inclinations in an assortment of ways including by using guns, vehicles, cutlery, and whatever else that will "do the job". If we take away people's guns, we will fall down a rabbit hole of disarming people in all ways, leaving them unequipped to protect themselves from external brute forces. Government must make sure its people can protect themselves if they want and need to. 

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