
Sorinne Ardeleanu

for  President of the United States of America

2020 Presidential Candidate

Sorinne believes that as a society, we must change our current model of healthcare, and that it is already beginning to happen in some institutions and with some healthcare providers across the country. 

Government should not force certain ways of attaining health over another... as many different ways can be successful depending on the individual. If we review the history of healthcare, it becomes apparent that what we believe is true about healthcare changes frequently. We must accept that we still have much more to learn, and continuously let go of that which no longer serves the greater good of all.  

We currently have a primary model that tends to monetarily reward "mainstream" healthcare providers for keeping their patients dis-eased (perhaps inadvertently) by mostly attempting to address symptoms, versus addressing root causes, of diseases. In this model, patients tend to see doctors mostly when they are ill… which encourages healthcare providers and patients to be reactive instead of proactive. 

If we had private models that monetarily penalized health care providers when their patients got ill and rewarded them for assisting their patients in achieving and maintaining health, we would have a lot more healthy people in our country... as well as more doctors who would be "fulfilled" because they would actually be able to get to the root cause of their patients' diseases and help them to heal fully instead of merely attempting to manage symptoms of dis-ease. Many doctors already understand how limiting the current model is today, but they are afraid to do anything differently, in fear of lawsuits because of rigid and hindering legislation and regulations. True progress should never be blocked by government.

All Americans deserve the right to choose what kind of healthcare is right for them, as well as access to the best possible options. Government should not be allowed to dictate what sort of healthcare is appropriate for any individual, instead allowing a true free market based on natural demand and desired positive results, so that healthcare is more accessible, diverse, and effective for all. The Constitution states in the preamble, that we are to promote general Welfare, not force a certain way or to provide Welfare.

Concerning people who choose to make negative lifestyle choices (which especially affect their health adversely), their healthcare should not be paid for or subsidized by tax dollars, especially by those who choose to make positive lifestyle choices. This type of model encourages poor lifestyle choices to continue being made, which ultimately weakens our country and species... as well as discourages those who make better choices to continue making them. 

Since we are all mammals, Nature ultimately terminates those of our species who make poor lifestyle choices before those who make better choices, for we always reap exactly what we sow. No individual can save another human being from the natural consequences of their choices (good or bad). This has nothing to do with personal beliefs or theories, but rather with the facts of Life (Nature). If we want our country and species to thrive in the future, we must learn to adapt and co-operate correctly with Nature. Government should be supportive of this endeavor since healthy people are more productive, creative, and pleasant to be around. 

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